
Voyage en Angleterre 2016

Par admin victor-duruy, publié le jeudi 31 octobre 2019 11:09 - Mis à jour le jeudi 31 octobre 2019 11:09


Some general impressions , not in any particular order.
Each visit was a bit too short , but we couldn’t stay longer in each museum as we had so much on the programme.
There were lots of tame squirrels in the parks This amazed us and if we had spent less time with them , we would have seen the Queen and Prince Philip leave Buckingham Palace in their Rolls Royce!
The street artists in Covent Garden gave us an idea of English humour.
We mustn’t forget to mention the bus driver , Pascal , who was very professional and knew London like the back of his hand.
We nearly died of hunger with the picnics , and overall , the English cooking was nothing special.
Up at 6.30am every morning , a quick shower and breakfast ! The coach picked us up from 7h30 onwards . A busy day , home after 7.00 pm , then straight to the table and up to bed ! Not much communication with the families , unluckily – what a pity.
However , our English came in handy when we got lost in Oxford Street , but we didn’t really understand what was going on when there was a bomb scare in the Science Museum. Like all the very disciplined English people , we were in the street before we knew it ! No-one panicked ……..surprising , isn’t it ?
If you want information about some of the photos , ask your offspring or send a mail to
 Mrs. Brousse , the English teacher who organized the trip.